Travelling to Ireland with your Parents

Travelling to Ireland with your Parents

I am SUPER excited. My parents hardly travel (other than to my brother’s hockey games and annual trips to Florida). So this will be a bit of a shock for them. My step father is nervous to fly and my mom is nervous for the time change (Ireland is 5 hours ahead of Toronto). And I’m nervous the car rental place won’t have a vehicle big enough to accommodate us and our luggage. (You see, driving in Northern Ireland is a bit of an adventure and because of this, small cars are the norm). In spite of all this, I think my parents will have a blast and I’m so excited for them to witness some of the beauty Ireland has to offer.

Recipe: Energy Bites

Recipe: Energy Bites

Anyone who knows me, knows I'm a snacker!

I can't seem to go more than a couple hours without one.... reading a blog? grab a snack... don't feel like cooking? grab a snack... running late? grab a snack... bored? grab a snack.... see, it's my answer for everything. 

Next time you're reaching for a snack, reach for these energy bites...

Having a Successful Marriage

Having a Successful Marriage

I wrote this blog one year ago on my first blog ever; Blogger.  I wrote it as I was in the middle of wedding planning. Today, I reflect on this and still love it as much as I did the day I wrote it. I understand that life changes and people change, but I also believe in fighting for what's yours. I believe the older generation is full of wisdom, knowledge, and I love that they were raised in a time that if something was broken, you fix it....

Entering your ‘late’ twenties - Anxiety vs. Peace

Entering your ‘late’ twenties - Anxiety vs. Peace

Entering your late twenties... The other day I told someone I was turning 26 this year. This sounds all fine and dandy, except for the fact that I’m actually turning 27. WOW, why does 27 sound so much older than 26?!

My Little Hidden Gem in Canada

My Little Hidden Gem in Canada

“Travel does not exist without home… if we never return to the place we started; we would just be wandering, lost. Home is a reflecting surface, a place to measure our growth and enrich us after being infused with the outside world.” (Josh Gates)

2016- It’s about Goals not Resolutions

2016- It’s about Goals not Resolutions

It’s the start to a brand new year. We’re on day 4 of a 365 day journey that is 2016.

Well, actually, if we’re going to be technical, it’s a leap year. February 29 was added to our calendar, so this year we have 366 days.

Does anyone else wonder what the big hype is about making New Year’s Resolutions?

Does anyone else find them pointless and a waste of time?

When your Children Learn the Truth about Santa

When your Children Learn the Truth about Santa

I don’t have children, but I’ve always loved Christmas. I’ve always wondered how parents and kids handle the transition from believing Santa Claus is real to believing in the Joy and Spirit of Christmas when kids learn Santa (spoiler alert!) isn’t real.

The Ultimate Gift this Holiday Season

The Ultimate Gift this Holiday Season

Remember when you were younger, and Christmas was all about the presents. You couldn’t wait to write that letter to Santa so he would know just what to get you. You didn’t just want regular Barbie, you wanted Baby Spice Barbie, and if it wasn’t the right one, you would have been upset! Christmas literally meant waking up and opening presents. That’s what you looked forward to and that’s what you thought the season was all about.

However, I’ve enjoyed Christmas much more since my mentality changed.

Make Your Customers Fall in Love

Make Your Customers Fall in Love

Relationship building is crucial, no matter your business. Today, automation and innovation is what sets our generation and world apart, but it also can allow us to lose the real sense of customer service. The beauty of the internet is how we can speak and help our customers when our physical location isn’t open. Today, helping our customers from 9-5 isn’t enough.