25 Things that Make Me Happy

25 Things that Make me Happy

Recently, I’ve felt anxious! (Funny, I start this blog with the big bad ‘a’ word, when I’m supposed to be talking about happy things, but give me a minute…this is just the prelude…)

Recently, I have been waking up in the morning and starting my day feeling like I’m already behind.

 I’ve felt over whelmed, intimidated, and stressed.

These are feelings that I HATE, don’t usually feel, but know very well, that we must all feel them at some point in our life.

In a world of stress, chaos, negativity, and doubt, we seem to be lacking positivity.

Happy thoughts, happy lives, happy relationships.

This is why I really wanted to put pen to paper (well finger to laptop) over things that make me happy.

In a world full of negativity and chaos we still need to pick ourselves up.

No one deserves to be unhappy; we all deserve to be happy!

But, here’s the thing...

Happiness lies within us. It’s not given to us or earned, it’s something only we can give ourselves.

Whether we change our perspective, our job, our relationships, or whatever, we hold the key to our happiness. Others, without a DOUBT, influence it, but at the end of the day, we hold that key…

Today is the day I remind myself of some of the things that make me happy, in a time in my life when anxiety is taking over… things that make me happy need to take a front row seat!...

1-      My family- seriously where would I be without them? From my birth family, to step family, to in laws, I couldn’t picture my life without absolutely all of them!

2-      My husband. The only person who can annoy me one second and make me head over heels the next. He’s the hardest working person I know with a drive for business success like I’ve never seen before.

3-      My new puppy- Tully- In only the short 5 weeks since we’ve taken her home, she’s really opened up my world. She’s dependent on me and really teaches me that the world isn’t all about you- it’s about compassion, helping others, and using your knowledge to positively influence others.

4-      My older dog, Bella- Well, to be technical, she is my husband’s dog. She was 6 when I entered the picture- but none the less, she’s also mine now! She hated me when I first starting dating Will, I still remember her jumping on the couch and squeezing her way beside Will so I was no longer sitting beside him! Now, she wags her tail at the sight of me. It really is something remarkable…

5-      Summer. From not having to wear a jacket, to the feel of the sun on my skin, this is hands down, my favourite season. Days are longer, smiles are plentiful, and joy really seems to take over…

6-      Sitting in my backyard. This is where I sit as I currently write this blog…. Let me help you set the mood… I am sitting out back, on my patio table, overlooking our lush bush, forest and plants. Listening to the birds chirping, the trees swaying, it’s honestly, my favourite place.

7-      Flowers. The radiant color, the mesmerizing smell, I just love them.

8-      Picking flowers from your garden to bring inside the house. Not many home made things better than that!

9-      Chocolate. My current fix- Cadbury purchased in Ireland

10-   Slipping into bed with freshly laundered sheets- Honestly, what feels better than that?

11-   Actually, Slipping away anywhere with my husband, I may be needier than him, but anywhere with him, I’m happy.

12-   Watching Game of Thrones with my husband. We are two people that don’t really watch TV. Well he’s obsessed with the news, but this is the one show we really enjoy watching together. It’s actually a rule. We can’t watch it without the other one.

13-   Morning Tea. This wasn’t something I think I did on the regular before I met my husband, but it is now one of my favourite morning rituals!

14-   Writing/ Blogging. This is my time to unwind, let go, and feel truly peaceful and like I’m being true to myself.

15-   Christmas- the chaos of the season, the family events, all the engagements, it’s truly a magical season

16-   My engagement ring- My husband is good at picking things out for me, but this is by far, my favourite thing he’s ever picked out for me! I know he spent a lot of time and put in a lot of effort trying to pick the ‘perfect’ ring.

17-   Watching a movie that makes me cry.

18-   Travelling, when we can.

19-   Meeting genuine people.

20-   The feeling after a really good workout (a special shout out to my sister in law who made me un quit my gym membership)

21-   Knowing that I’ve touched someone’s life

22-   Music. I love singing along to pretty much everything, despite the fact I have an aaaawful voice

23-   Getting into a book that is impossible to put down

24-   Walking on a nice, peaceful , summer, warm night

25-   Swinging, rocking, I’ve got some weird thing where I’m at ease swaying back and forth

This is where I challenge YOU to find 25 things that make YOU happy. Write them down, share them with me, or just think to yourself.


Just take a minute and remind yourself of what makes you happy!